On Monday, we drove the long way back to Twin Falls. We went up through Loman, Stanley, and then down through Sun Valley. We were going to camp and divide the drive up, but weather wasn't cooperating.
Little Lexie keeping an eye on Tank at the cabin.
Kirkham Hot Springs, just outside of Loman. The water was great.
Our little pool was a little shallow, but real nice.
Chillin' like a couple of Villains, with the Sawtooth's in the background.
Stanley Lake
Just chilling at the beach at Redfish Lake. The sign said that pets were not allowed on the beach, it's a good thing tank is more of a guard dog than a pet.
Enjoying the view from Galena's Summit.
Cool little town of Ketchum.
This loop was one of the most beautiful drives I've seen. I look forward to going back up and exploring some more this summer.